One sunny afternoon, I was hanging out at DQM killing time with some friends before we skated downtown Boston. I was just sitting there as the RAW video was being projected on a nearby wall when Dan Daley walked into the shop. I knew the name and the face, but we never really spoke before. He was the 'dude' behind the Biddy’s burger and famous cheese art. I also knew we had a common interest: SKATEBOARDING.
As he strolled in, I noticed him asking an employee if someone had left him any boards. I knew little about what he did with the discarded decks, but had a rough idea. I was curious about the process it takes to make these cruisers, about the skill and time invested into creating each refurbished piece. I wanted to know more! I decided right then and there that I wanted to spend a day or two or three getting to know Dan….and his art.
Check out the finished pieces featured in this video & others Dan has created...
Now go do something!